By: Louise Gottsche 

You read that right, but what is good quality breast milk? In my journey to found Nunona, I googled ‘better quality breast milk’ and 'good quality breastmilk' and was astonished to find that there was essentially a void. A void. In Google! How is this possible? 

As a previous infant nutrition industry executive it became apparent to me that in an industry so obsessed with quantity, we seem to have forgotten about quality. Yet, when one understands the scientific research available, it’s the quality of breastmilk that can be influenced and it’s the quality of breastmilk that matters. We aim to help fix this focus with Nunona’s pre+postnatal Mama Bites, a real food snackable supplement that completely replaces your need for a synthetic pill (more on that later). But first—let's dive into how to understand breastmilk quality and why it's so important. 

Breastmilk quality is influenced by two factors: Genes and diet 

While we can’t influence our genes, we can all influence our diet! That’s easier said than done however for new moms. In a time when it is difficult to find a minute to shower, it is equally difficult to find an opportunity to research, buy, prepare and consume healthy foods. Yet this is vital for every breastfeeding mom because the quality of her diet impacts the quality of her breast milk. 

Related: Breastfeeding nutrition 101

Of course, as with most things in life, it is not quite as simple as this. Breast milk is constantly being researched with new findings emerging all of the time. Currently, we know that there is a stress component, a caloric component and a diet quality component. These three factors combined can influence the quality of breastmilk. That’s why with Nunona's Mama Bites, we designed a product to address all three! 

What higher breastmilk quality looks like 

When I think of how moms can create good quality breastmilk, I think of it as an equation. 

Decrease maternal stress + remember to eat + eat well = higher breastmilk quality

Let’s unpack it. 

Decreasing maternal stress to improve breastmilk quality

Clinical evidence suggests maternal stress affects the quality of breastmilk. A study published in the Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association has shown that maternal psychological state may affect the immune properties of breast milk. By caring for new moms we are aiming to help decrease their stress, a small gesture that could have lasting effects. 

Remembering to eat to improve breastmilk quality

In the early newborn days remembering to eat can be difficult, especially when trapped under a tiny human! Utilizing behavioural economics we provide the needed nudge to remind new moms to nourish themselves. Our patent-pending pillbox has been specially designed for new moms who when focusing on a tiny human, and are prone to neglect themselves. With daily reminders incorporated into our packaging, moms can see at a glance if they remembered to eat that day. Breastfeeding takes up to 500 additional kcals/day. Mama Bites have been formulated to help provide the extra calories needed for breastfeeding, while still maintaining a slight deficit to allow for postpartum weight loss.

Eating well to improve breastmilk quality

Energy is simply not enough, it’s what’s inside it that counts! We’ve formulated Mama Bites to contain the nutrients that breast milk needs. A few nutrients can’t come from your body while breastfeeding, they have to come from your diet. Two of these nutrients are fatty acids and B vitamins. We also use oats to help stabilize blood sugar levels. Combining this with dates and flaxseed to add some much-needed fibre to help keep things moving.

Creating better quality breastmilk begins with your nutrition

By looking at the whole picture we are able to better support moms, remind them to eat, and provide nutritious food for when they do.

Why does it all matter? Because better quality breast milk helps give children a healthier future. This is because good nutrition during the first 1000 days (when tiny cells are being programmed) sets children up for a lifetime of health. 

This is not to say that quantity doesn’t matter. It does, and for the 4-5% of women who experience chronic low milk supply ensuring infants receive enough energy is paramount.

However, it is important to understand that with quantity as a primary focus for all breastfeeding mothers, we are missing the importance of quality nutrition. The quality of a mother’s diet when breastfeeding affects the quality of her breastmilk. Better quality breast milk can help create healthier humans due to the powerful effects of nutritional programming.

Like many things in life, remember to focus on quality over quantity.

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